Beginning Weaving Class Part One
According to Wikipedia weaving has been around since the Paleolithic times. Don here has a interesting web site. I found both reads illuminating and thought provoking. Below is part one of a begining weaving class I am taking. As a child I went on a field trip visiting a pueblo learning site with stage actors and outfits and activities. It was as if we had stepped back into time. There was a woman sitting at a floor loom weaving a textile, when I saw what she was doing I was smitten. It was enthralling even to my little girls heart and I've wanted to learn how to weave every since. Well that thing called life pulled me along and I never learned to weave until today... I joined in with the Reno Fiber Guild and am taking my first class of three where they are teaching me how to weave! I can hardly wait until I have saved enough money to purchase my own loom but for now I will rent one.
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